An Insight on the Visible Electromagnetic Spectrum

By Muhammad Mudassir Shah

The visible spectrum of light is the electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to the human eye. In common terms it is the light that can be reflected by the human eye. The entire spectrum of light starts from the ⋎ (Gamma) rays up to the long radio waves, however, the light that is visible to the human eye is between UV and IR. The wavelength of this visible spectrum  is between 390 manometer to 700 manometer. The visible spectrum of light contains a range of colors, these colors can be seen in the figure below.

Practically this visible spectrum of light can be attained when white light is passed through the prism. The white light passing through the prism is refracted causing this light to bend, as a result the white light is converted to different colors. Each of these color generated have its specific wavelength.

According to physics; if an object has a particular color, that specific object absorbs all of the wavelengths (colors) except for the specific wavelength (color) being reflected by that object.

This topic in terms of understanding can sometimes be very complicated, because, the human mind questions that why is only limited number of wavelengths generated or why is the limited number of colors visible to the human eye? The simple answer to these questions is that all of the actions that take place in this universe is in accordance with the nature of the universe. Such as the gravity of the earth.

The main factor that contribute to the limited visibility of light is the anatomy and physiology of the human eyes. In other terms it is the ability of the photo-receptors to interpret different colors. According to the human physiology and anatomy only those colors can be seen by the human eye, which can be interpreted by the photo-receptors. All of the colors that can be interpreted by the photo-receptors of the eye falls within the visible spectrum of light.

This is an indication that the photo-receptors of the eye is not capable of reflecting the light the falls below to above the visible spectrum of light. This brings us back to the nature of the universe. The point here is that the photo-receptors of the eye is also in accordance with the nature of the universe. The anatomy and physiology of the human is developed in accordance to the nature and physics of the universe in which we exist.   

On basis of this discussion a conclusion can be drawn that the visible spectrum of electromagnetic waves is dependent of the nature and physics of the universe. The universe we live in determines the colors we see and the colors we don't see. This is just a presumption that the anatomy and physiology human and the spectrum of light we see would have been different if the nature and physics of the universe was different.    


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