Procrastination the distraction in Progression
By: Muhammad Mudassir Shah
Procrastination is one of the most fundamental problem faced by an individual while performing a particular task. Procrastination basically is defined as a delaying tactic used by an individual to delay the task to be completed. This delaying of the task to be performed could be due to not taking interest in a particular task.
Procrastination is one of the most fundamental problem faced by an individual while performing a particular task. Procrastination basically is defined as a delaying tactic used by an individual to delay the task to be completed. This delaying of the task to be performed could be due to not taking interest in a particular task.
It is important to notice that the task a particular individual does not want to complete is actually important to be completed, because without completing the task due; a desired progression is impossible. Therefore, this individual unwillingly have to perform the task, which could result in not getting the expected outcome due to not being completely focused on the task.
It is disappointing for an individual to be unfocused on a particular task that is important . To avoid such disappointment and be completely focused on the task motivation is required. This motivation can be gained by realization of the importance of the task and the realization can be obtained from inspiration.
It can be noticed that procrastination is the distraction that defocuses an individual from performing a task. The main reason of this distraction could be the performance of a particular task on continuous basis, which eventually could lead to procrastination. The other reason that could contribute to procrastination is getting an undesired task not of personal selection and is appointed by a third person. Such type of task can lead to procrastination which leads to distraction resulting in delaying of the completion of a particular task
In Order to be successful and avoid procrastination a direction is required that set out step by step procedure for the completion of a particular task. By setting such steps a task can be performed comprehensively and the consumption of time due to procrastination can be avoided. The setting of a direction can also help in comfortable progression towards destination.
It is extremely important for each and every individual to avoid procrastination and set measures for dealing with such situation wisely to continue the progression in life.
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